Ash Tree Disease Treatment
Ash Tree Disease Treatment Sun Lakes Arizona 01
The massive mile high dust storm we had in 2013, has spread mites and other insects throughout the valley like I've never seen. This increase in insects and the record breaking heat of 2011 has dangerously stressed many tree species, including Ash trees.
Here is what you need to do if the limbs on your Ash tree start dying:
1 have us treat your tree with a fast acting insecticide that is injected directly into the trunk - this approach will get poison into the entire tree quickly. Depending on size and severity we may do this twice one month apart.
2 Starting immediately - treat your Ash tree yearly with Bayer Advanced Tree and Shrub. As stated on the bottle in some cases it may take 3 months to work its way to the tops of your tree. Treat your tree annually as the deep borers are hard to kill. You can get Bayer Advanced Tree and Shrub at home depot.
For more information follow the link below and watch a video on my website. All of the Ash trees in this video are infected with boring insects and this video will aide you in determining if your ash trees are infected.
Common symptoms associated with attack by boring insects are, branch dieback are thinning canopies and epitomic branching.
The canopy of the tree may have only the lower branches still full of foliage and the top with only a scattering of leaves. In addition, the lower branches and trunk may have single or clusters of upright shoots these are called epicormic shoots and occur along the branches or trunks of stressed trees.
A symptom common with ash trees infested by carpenter worms and other ash borers is bark shredded off by woodpeckers searching for the larvae. Fresh missing bark, particularly over an extensive area of the trunk, is one of the best indicators that the tree may be infested by the borer.
If these indicators are present, look for signs of activity of a boring insect in the trunk or dying branches. Sometimes only the upper branches will show insect activity, and if possible these should be the first examined. Signs to look for are the size and shape of exit holes on the bark and the pattern of any insect tunnels beneath the bark.
There are many insects that infest ash trees, and each makes a characteristic exit hole and galleries beneath the bark.
The emerald ash borer that is not supposed to be in Arizona yet creates a crisp D-shaped hole (1/8-inch) as it exits the tree As the larvae tunnel out, they form tunnels just beneath the bark.
Warner's Tree Surgery is a family business. Our business consists of my wife Pat, who manages the office and answers the phones, and me - Warner Working.
Ash Tree Dead Branches, Unhealthy Ash Tree, Unhealthy Tree, Ash Tree Disease, Ahwatukee Arizona, Arizona, Mesa Arborist, Gilbert Arborist, Scottsdale Arborist, Tempe Arborist, Chandler Arizona , Paradise Valley Arborist, Phoenix Arborist, Arborist, Ahwatukee Arborist